Clean Sport Week 2023 - Thank you for being part of the team
For this year’s Clean Sport Week, UKAD focused on the theme of ‘Teamwork in Clean Sport’, aimed at athletes, coaches and Athlete Support Personnel (ASP). The campaign explored these roles’ collective responsibility in creating the right environment so that athletes make good decisions about playing clean and winning fairly.
UKAD relies on the support of National Governing Bodies, Higher Education partners and others in the sporting ecosystem to raise the Clean Sport Week profile by engaging with their members, elite athletes, and stakeholders. Thank you for helping make the event such a success.

We are delighted to report that record numbers used our press and social media materials – 152 organisations discussed anti-doping initiatives on social media, including 96 national governing bodies from UKAD’s Assurance Framework and 23 higher education institutions. Your involvement in Clean Sport Week helped the campaign reach nearly 6 million people and gain over 20 million impressions on social media.
On Monday, 22 May, UKAD released the results of a new survey on the public’s perception of doping in sport which garnered 219 pieces of media coverage in both national and regional media. We estimate over 8 million people viewed the resulting articles, and we believe that this can only better inform the public about UKAD’s work within anti-doping and our drive for doping-free sport.

Finally, thank you to the audience who joined our Teamwork in Clean Sport panel event, which we held at the Loughborough University Stadium. 160 people joined us in-person and on Zoom to hear an expert panel of elite athletes and sports practitioners discuss the importance of teamwork for clean sport. You can watch the event here. You can also look back at the key video content from the week on UKAD's Video Hub.
Even though Clean Sport Week has finished, we can all continue to play a vital role across the year in communicating the true values of clean sport, by raising awareness of our responsibilities on anti-doping and using tools, such as UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub, to help educate all those involved in sport on the importance of keeping it clean and fair.
Thank you for your involvement in UKAD’s Clean Sport Week 2023.