Customer Complaints Policy


This policy aims to ensure that anyone who deals with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is aware of our customer complaints policy and can easily register a complaint if necessary. UKAD welcomes feedback of all types and we are committed to continual improvement of the service we provide. This guidance is shared on the UKAD website. 


A complaint is defined by UKAD as an expression of dissatisfaction with the service delivery or behaviour of UKAD staff or representatives. This does not include initial requests for service, asking for an explanation of a policy or procedure or an appeal against a decision which will be dealt with as general enquiries.  

Dissatisfaction with policies and procedures outside of the direct control of UKAD will not be treated as a complaint, however we will record comments and pass them on to the relevant responsible body as appropriate. 


UKAD is registered to International Quality Standard ISO 9001:2015 and as such has documented this complaints process which complies with the requirements of the Standard.  

Formal complaints may be made online via the website using the email in the contact us section of our website, or via post at the contact details below. Once received, your complaint will be recorded to the UKAD continual improvements monitoring system. UKAD aims to record and fully investigate complaints within seven working days or, if this is not possible, provide the complainant with a reason why and an estimated response date.  

UKAD will investigate complaints which have been made anonymously, however we would prefer to be able to contact the complainant to ensure that we have satisfactorily addressed the reported concerns. 

Whilst complaints may be registered via telephone, we would ask that the details are confirmed in writing to ensure accurate understanding of the issue. We encourage use of email if possible, but the postal address to send complaints to is:  

UK Anti-Doping, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough, LE11 3QF 

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7842 3450, Email:  


If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint you may refer the matter to the appropriate authority. If your complaint was about Information Security relating to Freedom of Information, Subject Access Requests, GDPR or data protection these can be referred to the Information Commissioner via the Make a Complaint section of its website. For all other procedural complaints, you may wish to contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman