Freedom of Information Requests
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The Freedom of Information Act gives the public a general right of access to information held by public authorities and sets out exemptions to that right. The request must be made in writing (email is accepted), state the name of the person requesting the information, supply an address for correspondence and describe the information that is sought. This individual right of access applies to all types of recorded information held by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), regardless of the age of the information.
You are generally entitled to be told whether we hold the information you have requested. This is sometimes referred to as the duty to "confirm or deny". If we do hold it, you are entitled to have the information communicated to you. However, there are some exemptions to these rights, such as if disclosure of the requested information would be prejudicial to UKAD's function of identifying and prosecuting anti-doping rule violations.
The Act is fully retrospective and any information recorded in any form which is held by UKAD is eligible for release and subject to the exemptions. We refer you to the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office for further guidance.
Requests can made via email to Before making an FOI request, please ensure that you have searched our website for the information.
UKAD's Publication Scheme contains core classes of information to help you find the information you are looking for. The main headings relate to UKAD’s strategic objectives, and under each heading are identifiable classes of information which UKAD publishes or intends to publish.