Scientist looking at test results

Why Clean Sport Matters

Picture of urine sample pot for Doping Control and a form

We all have a responsibility to protect clean sport.

We want to know when we watch sport that it’s the real deal. Cheating in any form undermines the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes.

Every top athlete will have experienced moments when they are vulnerable and not performing their best. How athletes deal with these moments can have a significant effect on their future sporting careers.

As an athlete, athlete support personnel or sports administrator, you have anti-doping responsibilities that you need to be aware of. Here’s some essential information and useful links to get you started!

What you need to know

  • UK Anti-Doping is the UK’s National Anti-Doping Organisation responsible for protecting clean sport in the UK, and we are governed by a worldwide agreed set of rules, protected globally by commitments from both governments and the sports movement

  • In anti-doping, athletes are responsible for their actions: including what they eat and drink. This is known as the principle of ‘strict liability’

  • Athletes can be tested any time, any place

  • Many athletes fail a test due to their supplements being contaminated, or because they didn’t know that social drugs are banned too

  • 'Medications prescribed to athletes by a doctor or bought over the counter at a pharmacy may also contain banned substances – it’s important to always:

What that means for you

Failing to abide by the values of clean sport or the Anti-Doping Rules could mean severe consequences for your sporting future or career.

Athletes have a responsibility to make sure that anything they put in their body is free of any banned substances. Developing good clean sport habits will help athletes in the future.

You need to fully understand the Anti-Doping Rules, the consequences of not behaving in line with these rules, and the values of clean sport.

What athletes should do

Tell – medical personnel, like your doctor, your coach and any other support personnel who work with you, that as an athlete you must operate in line with the Anti-Doping Rules.

Check – follow the process of 'Search, Check and Apply' before using any medication.

Ask – if you are unsure about any anti-doping matter then ‘ask’. You can keep yourself up to date with the latest news and alerts from UKAD so you are not at risk.

Adopt - a ‘Food First’ approach.

Where to go for further advice

  • Download the 100% me Clean Sport App (AppleAndroid

  • Check out UKAD's Clean Sport Hub to discover eLearning courses relevant to you and your role in sport - Clean Sport Hub

  • Take a look at the risks of supplements in our Supplements Hub

  • Find more on checking medications and applying for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) in our Medicine and TUE Hub

  • More information on the testing procedures can be found in Introduction to Testing