Clean Sport Hub: New education course 'Introduction to Clean Sport' to launch from 1 April 2022

UKAD is delighted to announce that a new eLearning course called Introduction to Clean Sport, will be available on UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub from 1 April 2022.

Clean Sport Hub logo

The new course will replace the Clean Sport Advisor (previously called Accredited Advisor Assessment) and provide need-to-know anti-doping education for support personnel working in sport, parents of young athletes and fans of clean sport.

Split into six core modules, the Introduction to Clean Sport course will provide the foundation for all learners and an overview of anti-doping and clean sport. The course is part of a fundamental education pathway for people who require clean sport education as part of their job. It is also intended for people who are studying anti-doping in further or higher Education or are interested to learn more about clean sport. Further modules will also be added as the course develops.

List of modules in Introduction to Clean Sport

This diagram displays the six modules of the course: (1) Anti-Doping Then and Now, (2) Clean Sport Values, (3) Protect Your Sport, (4) ADRVs and Consequences, (5) Best Practice for Clean Sport and (6) Doping Control Essentials.


Moving away from the Clean Sport Advisor

The Introduction to Clean Sport has been created to aid and develop knowledge of clean sport. The course will replace the current Clean Sport Advisor which expires on 31 March 2022. If you have recently completed the Clean Sport Advisor course or your certificate is due to expire soon, read through our frequently asked questions to see how this may impact you. The Clean Sport Advisor certification will still be accepted for the duration of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games if you completed the course on or after 1 September 2021.

Building on the Clean Sport Advisor, the Introduction to Clean Sport continues to provide values-based education and scenario-based learning, broken down into bite size pieces that can be completed anytime, anywhere at your own pace. The course will be beneficial to all learners - building on prior knowledge or providing a great starting point if you are new to clean sport.

View our frequently asked questions on the Clean Sport Hub